For our tenants
This page provides information to Asuntosalkku Suomi Oy’s and Suomen Asuntovarainhoito Oy’s tenants.
Here you can find useful information about the lease, contact forms, a notice of lease termination template, and frequently asked questions.
The email address for customer service is
The telephone number for tenants that is subject to basic rates can be found from a lease agreement, rent invoice or newsletter dated 11.5.2021 or later. You can also call our general number at 010 232 7505 (see rates), open weekdays from 9 to 15.
Please remember to inform the house manager about moving into the apartment. The house manager’s contact details are on the house bulletin board.
In case you want to report a defect in the apartment, you can send us an email or use this form (link).
Move-out cleaning instructions
Normal wear and tear of the apartments
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Notice to terminate your lease
You can click the button below to open an email with the notice template. If you give notice by email, please ensure that the message appears in your sent mailbox (not drafts) as sent to You can also use our contact form.
Other links
You can see our FAQ here. You can use our general contact form here.
You can read our privacy notice for tenants here.