in Finnish / suomeksi

Move-out cleaning instructions and checklist

The apartment and storages that belong to the apartment are to be emptied and cleaned so that the next tenant moving in to the apartment does not need to clean the apartment before moving in. Make sure that you do not leave in the apartment anything extra (lamps, shelves, washing machine, kitchen equipment, trash etc) that does not belong to the apartment.

Wet rooms:

  • Clean the toilet seat, hand wash basins, shower areas, bathtub and all water taps.
  • Clean the floor drain as your hand reaches.
  • Clean sauna benches.
  • Clean walls and floors.


  • Empty, wash and defrost fridge and freezer.
    • Be careful so that the melted water does not drain onto the floor!
    • Switch off the power from all of the refrigeration devices.
    • Leave the doors open so that the devices will not start to smell or in worse case mildew from inside.
  • Stove, oven, hatch of the oven, baking trays and grate of the oven are to be cleaned and washed properly.
  • Pull out the stove, and vacuum and wipe the stains from under and behind the stove.
  • Clean the cooker hood/ range hood, grease filter and exhaust air valves
  • Wipe clean the kitchen cabinets and drawers.
  • Clean the trash can and cabinet for trash can.
  • Vacuum or wipe away crumbs on the chopping boards.


  • Sweep/ vacuum and wash the floor surfaces.
    • Use a suitable detergent.
    • Use a damp cloth or mop. Don’t pour water onto the floor (except in the wet room).
  • Clean the doors, jambs, windowsills and radiators.
  • Clean windows. In the winter cleaning is required only for the innermost window.
  • Clean exhaust air valves.
  • Clean the balcony or possible own yard.
    • Do not leave any of your belongings there.
    • Even though you might not need certain items or balcony furniture in your new home, those can’t be left in the apartment when you move out.
    • Clean the balcony glass panes on both sides if the balcony is glazed.
  • Empty the storage rooms in the apartment and basement or attic.
    • Take a photo of the empty basement/attic storage. This is for your own protection in case someone seizes the storage.
  • Make sure that the belongings you are throwing away are disposed of properly.
    • Only normal household waste can be taken to the waste collection of the housing company.
    • Each tenant themselves is responsible for delivering old furniture, mattresses, etc., as well as hazardous waste to the landfill or to hazardous waste collection point.

In case the cleaning or emptying of the apartment has been neglected and the job needs to be done by a cleaning company, the tenant that has moved out of the apartment will be responsible for the expenses. The expenses will be determined by the billing and rates of the cleaning company. After the lessor has determined that everything has been properly taken care of, the collateral can be returned.

Normal wear and tear of the apartment

Normal wear and tear of an apartment (hereafter ”W&T”) means the traces of normal living including e.g. the aging of surfaces like the walls and floors. What is W&T depends on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the duration of the lease, age of apartment, number of inhabitants, and surface materials. W&T means that traces appear gradually over time. However W&T does not include damage done by incorrect use or maintenance or neglect of maintenance, even if the damage appears over a long time.

W&T includes a moderate amount of small wall mountings for paintings or shelves. Large mountings, holes, dents, chinks or cracks on the walls or floors are not included in W&T.

The tenant is responsible for damages that he/she has caused by neglect, carelessness or on intention. The tenant is also responsible for damages caused by his/her guests.

If you notice damages or a deficiency in the apartment, please inform your lessor without delay. This allows the lessor or housing company to start the repair process. Neglecting to inform your lessor about damages or deficiencies can cause you to be liable for the damages, especially if the damages grow.

The tenant is not allowed to make alterations or repairs to the apartment without the lessor’s permission, which is given in writing. Alterations include, but are not limited to, installing fixed furniture, painting walls, or installing an extra lock on the door.

Keeping pets in the apartment usually causes gradual damages to the apartment. If keeping pets is allowed in the lease contract, W&T includes some extra traces on the floors. However, even if keeping pets is allowed in the lease contract W&T does not include nail scratches on walls, bite marks on skirting boards, bad odors, or other such damages. The tenant is responsible for these damages. If keeping pets is not allowed in the lease contract, W&T includes no traces of pets. The tenant needs to have the lessor’s permission to bring or keep pets in the apartment.

Updated 27.10.2023

Asuntosalkku Suomi Oy and Suomen Asuntovarainhoito Oy